Generative Machine Learning

What would your computer say if it could talk? Well using generative machine learning we’re able to get a glimpse of what that might be like. Unlike other fields of machine learning, generative ML is still relatively un-explored. The main reason is that it doesn’t really solve problems the same Read more…

Natural Language Processing with Python Part 2, Comparing Words!

Hey there! If you came here from the first NLP tutorial, then you’ll fit right in. If not, then you might want to go check out Natural Language Processing with Python Part 1 before continuing here. Either way, lets get started.
Previously we learned about the nltk Python package and became familiar with some of the cool features it comes with. We left off with being able to remove stopwords from text and labeling words with their corresponding parts of speech. Today I want to talk about comparing words. So leggo..

This project assumes you are relatively familiar with Python. At least enough that you can setup a file directory, create a Python file, and navigate to it using the terminal. If you are not, then check out my Python “Hello World” tutorial.

  1. So Lets start off with something fun, comparing words. It’s Weird to think that two words that seem completely different from each other actually have some sort of connection. The Wu-Palmer Similarity score is a value that is derived from comparing the hierarchical structure of two words from an ontology like WordNet which has statistics on their actual usage in text, which, it self, is derived from a large corpus.
  2. (more…)